fredag 9 mars 2012

De Goda

We're there because the fact of the matter is that part of the world controls the world supply of oil, and whoever controls the supply of oil, especially if it were a man like Saddam Hussein, with a large army and sophisticated weapons, would have a stranglehold on the American economy and on - indeed on the world economy. 
Secretary of Defense Dich Cheney, 1990 
To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.
Judge Robert H. Jackson, Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, 1946
I don't care what the international lawyers say, we are going to kick some ass.
George W. Bush, September 11, 2001 
Sverige är ju inte de enda som på olika sätt samarbetar wahabisterna i Saudiarabien. I boken "The Road to 9/11" så gör Peter Dale Scott ett gediget arbete för att kartlägga de händelser som föranledde 11 September. Något annat intressant som framkommer i boken framkommer vid en diskussion kring två bombdåd som begick i Italien, en vid Milans Piazza Fontana, 1969 och ett vid Bolognas järnvägsstation 1980. Anarkisterna fick ursprungligen skulden för dåden, men Italienska rättegångar fastslog senare (i åtminstone första tillfället) att skulden fanns hos Italienska underrättelsetjänsten. En av de som dömdes, General Vito Miceli implicerade att en parallel gren hade växt fram i underrättelsetjänsten genom en hemlig uppgörelse med USA och inom NATOs ramverk.
More important, European sources allege that one of the masterminds of the 1969 plot, Guido Giannettini, was invited in late 1961 to give a three-day lecture course to U.S. military officers in Annapolis, on "Techniques and Possibilities of a Coup d'Etat in Europe." A few weeks later Pentagon officials began drafting the plans known as Operation Northwoods, the first known American application of a strategy of tension. As summarized by ABC News, "the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, highjacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities." This was at a time of developing U.S. Army interest in so-called counterterror as a technique in counterinsurgency, as developed by Nazis, French theorists of guerre révolutionnaire, and East Europeans émigrés now attached to the U.S. Army.
Thus one cannot clearly distinguish between the managed violence advocated by Italian strategists of tension and those aping them in the United States. International security analyst John Prados has put the issue very forcibly: "In this age of global concern with terrorism it is especially upsetting to discover that Western Europe and the United States collaborated in creating networks that took up terrorism. In the United States such nations are called 'state sponsors' and are the object of hostility and sanction. Can it be the United States itself, Britain, France, Italy and others who should be on the list of state sponsors?" It is alarming moreover to note that the Piazza Fontana bombing was planned by a "parallel" structure, outside government control, as a prelude of a military coup.

1 kommentar:

Lucas Carlsson sa...

Jag kommer att tänka på vad Obamas pastor sa om USA och deras roll i världen. Det finns så mycket som behöver förändras i den här världen...